
If you landed on this page looking for my endorsements, I am sorry, I am not posting any here because I would like to believe you have enough ability to make your own decision on how to vote. Other candidates have glowing letters from their family members, doctors, co workers.... You would think they only sink to their ankles when they walk on water. In the real world, for every good comment, thereare others who think different. Those don't seem to get posted though.

If you still need to be told who to vote for because you are not capable of deciding yourself, I will simply say "Vote for me.".

This isn't a Miss Congeniality or a popularity contest, it is a serious decision YOU get to make which directly impacts YOUR life for the next 4 years. Take the time to check out all of the candidates web sites, go to some or all of the All Candidates meetings. Links to all of that is found on the left hand column of this page.

Make your own informed decision!