Some Platform Details!
The following are some specifics on each of the 3 main identified planks. I have the following specific plans:
1. Reviewing City Priorities
- Review the operation of Waste Services and how this service is delivered. Lets get rid of the Maggots and the Mice with the return of weekly garbage.
- Review Emergency Services and determine how to better use the current resources and determine shortfalls in services.
- Examine partnerships with surrounding areas for increased shared resources.
- Improve roads and infrastructure by ensuring new revenue from development is spent correctly.
- Review the need for a City owned Crown Corporation or Public Private Partnerships (P3) or service delivery of services in which the city has an interest in being delivered, but not deemed a core service.
- Work with the Province and other stakeholders in ensuring legislated program delivery are meeting the needs of clients within the City of Ottawa’s responsibility.
- Improve services for the disabled, the homeless, seniors and youth. Equalize Para service and cost by increasing cost to the Track/Slots
- Implementing term limits of at most 2 consecutive terms in the same office for all Council members to eliminate the career incumbent and allow fresh ideas.
2. Improving the City's Long Term Fiscal Health
- Create a city wide project office.
- Implement new contracting procedures [Orgaworld, Plasco. LRT for example] to reduce cost and risk.
- Review development charges
- Implement a better reserve transfer system.
- Implement a Nunn-McCurdy type budgetary measure for city projects.
- Implement a Compensation program where City Staff or any Citizen receives a portion of and after a period of time, for example, the first 2 years, of demonstrated savings for an incorporated suggestion.
- Decreasing use of consultants and increasing accountability and use of existing city staff.
3. Rural Identity and Values
- Re-establishing trust and shared responsibility with City staff.
- Support community based infinitives like the Torbolton Institute, Sandhills community hub Project in Constance Bay and the Huntley Highlands initiative to create a large walking park in West Carleton- March outside of Carp.
- Work with developers, residents and City staff to create a better system for future developments.
- Develop better communication between residents and City Hall such as with a new "electronic town hall" system.
- Proactively handling concerns of "in city" agribusiness including championing the development of an Ottawa Food Terminal similar to Toronto's in West Carleton-March.